Burke, M. 2024. Misgendering as Temporal Capture. In Trans Philosophy. Edited by Perry Zurn, Andrea J. Pitts, Talia Mae Bettcher, PJ DiPietro. University of Minnesota Press.
Burke, M. 2024. Sexual Violence. In Encyclopedia of Phenomenology. Edited by Ted Toadvine and Nicolas de Warren.
Burke, M. 2019. Heteronormativity. In 50 Concepts for a Critical Phenomenology. Edited by Ann Murphy, Gayle Salamon and Gail Weiss.Northwestern University Press.
Burke, M. 2017. Becoming a woman: A phenomenological account of feminine existence. In On ne naît pas femme: on le devient: The Life of a Sentence, eds. Bonnie Mann and Martina Ferrari. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pgs. 159-173.
M. Burke. Forthcoming. Review of Allison Phipps’s Me Not You: The Trouble With Mainstream Feminism. In Hypatia Online Reviews.
Burke, M. 2019. Review of C. Heike Schotten's Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony. In Hypatia Online Reviews.
Burke, M. 2018. Politics with Beauvoir: Freedom in the Encounter. In H-France Review, Volume 18, pgs. 1-4.
Burke, M. 2014. The politics of ambiguity: Sonia Kruks on Simone de Beauvoir’s political philosophy. In Hypatia Online Reviews.
Burke, M. 2010. Queering phenomenology: Sarah Ahmed’s queer Phenomenology.” In Journal Phänomenologie 33.