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Burke, M and M. Ferrari. 2024. Disobedient Anonymity and the Politics of Protesting Violence Against Women. Feminist Theory.


Burke, M. 2023. Life at the Edge of Time: Punctuated Time and Time Poverty. In Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 9.2. 


Burke, M., B. Mann, and M. Ferrari. 2023. Toward a Feminist Phenomenology of Temporal Harm. In Signs 48.2. pgs. 


Burke, M. 2022. Cis Sense and the Habit of Gender Assignment. In The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36.2. pgs. 206-218.


Burke, M. 2021. Critical Phenomenology. In Bloomsbury Philosophy Library. Bloomsbury Press, DOI: 10.5040/9781350970595.001.


Burke, M. 2020. On Bad Faith and Authenticity: Rethinking Genderless Subjectivity. In Simone de Beauvoir Studies 33.1. pgs. 86-104. 


Burke, M. 2019. Survivor experience and the norm of self-making: comments on Rape and Resistance. In  Philosophical Studies 177. pgs. 297-302.


Burke, M. 2019. Beauvoirian androgyny: Reflections on the androgynous world of fraternité in The Second Sex. In Feminist Theory 20.2. pgs. 3-18.       


Burke, M. 2018. Gender as lived time: Reading The Second Sex for a feminist phenomenology of temporality. In Hypatia: A journal of feminist philosophy 33.1, pgs. 111-127.


Burke, M. 2017. Love as a hollow: Merleau-Ponty’s promise of queer love. In Hypatia: A journal of feminist philosophy 32:1, pgs. 54-68. 


Burke, M. 2015. Specters of violence. In APA newsletter: Feminism and philosophy. 14:2, pgs. 10-19.


Burke, M. 2013. Anonymous temporality and gender: Re-reading Merleau-Ponty. In philoSOPHIA: A journal of continental feminism 3:2, pgs. 138-157.      


Burke, M. 2012. Beauvoir’s phenomenology of lesbian existence. In Feministische studien 30:1, pgs 75-85.



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